Prebertrail - 15 km | 950 hm

The Prebertrail starts in Lessach and covers 14.9 kilometres and 990 metres in altitude. The trail first leads through the forest and along a forest road up to the mountain pastures. After less than five kilometres and 440 metres in altitude, there is an easy descent to the Prebersee lake, where the first refreshment station is reached after 800 metres and the finish at the Ludlalm becomes visible.

The panoramic trail is the highlight and leads up to the Preberhalterhütte hut with varied routes and breathtaking views. This is followed by the high trail to the Grazer Hütte and a descent via single trails and hiking paths. After 1.7 kilometres on the flat along the Preber lake, you reach the finish at the Ludlalm.


08:00 - 09:30       Start number distribution
09:45                   Race briefing
10:00                   Start in Lessach
14:00                   Award ceremony
14:15                   Cut-Off Preber
16:30                   closing time

Application fees

by April 30th, 2025                 €30.00
by July 31st, 2025                  €35.00
by September 1st, 2025         €40.00
Late nomination                      €45.00