Panoramatrail - 9 km | 550 hm - HIKE

The Panorama Trail is 9.3 kilometers long and has an elevation gain of 545 meters. It offers a varied route and impressive views. The ascent to the Preberhalterhütte runs along single trails and forest paths through the Preberwald forest. After the first refreshment stop, the high-altitude trail leads to the Grazer Hütte, from where the view of the Preberg summit is impressive. The route then leads downhill along single trails and hiking paths to the main road and on to Prebersee lake. The last few meters lead along the lake to the finish at the Ludlalm.

The Panoramatrail - Hike is not timed and therefore not scored. Participants receive a certificate and a finisher's medal.


08:00 - 09:30   Start number distribution
09:45               Race briefing
10:00 - 13:00   Start at the Prebersee
13:00               Cut-Off Preber
17:00               Award ceremony

Application fees

by April 30th, 2025                   €15.00
by July 31th , 2025                   €18.00
by September 1st , 2025          €20.00
Late nomination                       €25.00

by April 30th, 2025                   €8.00
by September 1st, 2025           €10.00
Late nomination                       €15.00

Family ( 2 adults, 1 child)
by April  30th, 2025                   €20.00
by July 31th, 2025                     €25.00
by September 1st, 2025            €30.00
Late nomination                        €45.00

each additional child: regular price