Gummatrail - 30 km | 1.850 hm


The Gummatrail starts in St. Andrä and leads over 30 kilometres and 1,865 metres of altitude difference through challenging terrain. After a steep climb across the meadows of Vorderlasa, the route continues over the Wiesberg with fantastic single trails and tall trees. The last ascent leads to the Wildbachhütte, where you can take a break after 740 metres in altitude. This is followed by a descent to Lessach before the route leads through the forest to the Alpine pastures and down to the Prebersee lake.

The panoramic trail is the highlight of the trail. It leads up to the Preberhalterhütte, offers impressive views and then leads along a high-level path to the Grazer Hütte. After a descent, the trail continues to the Prebersee lake, with a final short stretch along the lake before reaching the finish at the Ludlalm.


07:00 - 08:30      Start number distribution
08:45                  Race briefing
09:00                  Start in St. Andrä
13:15                  Cut-Off Lessach
14:15                  Cut-Off Preber
16:00                  Award ceremony
16:30                  Closing time

Application fees

by April 30th, 2025                 €40.00
by July 31st, 2025                  €55.00
by September 1st, 2025         €60.00
late nomination                      €65.00